深巷穷门少侣俦,阮郎唯有梦中留。 香飘罗绮谁家席,风送歌声何处楼。 街近鼓鼙喧晓睡,庭闲鹊语乱春愁。 安能追逐人间事,万里身同不系舟。 Late Spring Impromptu YuXuanji Livingon a side street ina house of poverty, feware my companions inthis hidden alleyway; onlyin the heart of dreams ismy beloved there. Incensewafts into my silken dress, whereare they having a party? Thebreeze carries with it the voice of song; whereis the pleasure pavilion? Thestreet is so near, I’m wakened at dawn bythe sound of noisy drumming, mycourtyard’s so peaceful, themagpies’ chatter scattersmy springtime sorrows. Howcan I pursue the affAIrs thatbelong to the human world? Remainingthe same for ten thousand miles, Inever tie down my boat.